Welcome to GDS Link Blogs

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créditos competitivos p blog

Creando líneas de crédito competitivas para aumentar los saldos rentables con Don Chapman de Powerlytics


The Main Characteristics of the Bank Branch of the Future


Turning Drivers’ Behavior into Insurance Claim Risk Index

Protegiendo la industria del fraude financiero blog

Protegiendo su negocio contra el fraude y las identidades sintéticas con Tom Algie de IDology

Alternative Credit Scoring is a Must-Have | GDS Link blog

Alternative Credit Scoring is now a Must-Have


Cómo aprovechar adecuadamente los datos y la tecnología en el ciclo de vida del crédito con Gary Byrne


The Countries with the Best (and Worst) Cybersecurity in the World


Protecting your Business Against Fraud and Synthetic Identities with Tom Algie from IDology

Every business is vulnerable to fraud, due largely to the numerous ways in which scammers can attack your organization.

So how do you prevent the unthinkable from occurring?


How Bank Marketing Must Adapt to Modern Lending Consumers

Marketing strategies must be changed because consumer behavior has changed.


How Lenders Can Improve Their Credit Risk Management System During Periods of High Inflation

High inflation rates significantly impact lending and can cause both positive and negative outcomes for customers and financial institutions.


Responsible Lending: Techniques & Best Practices

As lenders, the ultimate goal is to increase profit by growing revenues, while controlling risk and costs.


The future looks bright — And it’s already here

Americans, whether crossing oceans to a new world or creating new digital economies, are pioneers ready to build and embrace a better future.