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Stay Linked Up with the latest developments in credit risk, decisioning and lending content. Keep on top of trends within the Fintech, Banking and Credit Unions industries.


Alternative Credit Scoring Models: Pros and Cons

Alternative credit scoring allows lenders to reach new audiences by utilizing different criteria to determine a borrower’s reliability.


Serent Capital Invests in GDS Link

Serent Capital, a San Francisco-based private equity firm focused on investing in fast-growing software and services businesses, has made a minority investment in GDS Link.


Blockchain Lending Opportunities in Financial Services & Risk Management

Digital currencies have been gaining momentum as secure ways to manage and move fiscal assets. Blockchain is emerging as a key solution in the lending and risk management space.


How Many Credit Scores Are There?

While the three major agencies have maintained a strong hold on consumer focus, the truth is that there is a nearly endless array of metrics to formulate a credit evaluation.


Big Data can help banks encourage mobile payments

Big Data has been credited with the ability for retailers to increase profits by analyzing exactly what customers want.