National & Consumer Credit Bureau Attributes

GDS Link’s Credit Bureau Attribute Set provides national and consumer financial institutions with a set of 1,000+ normalized credit bureau attributes aligned with the three national US consumer credit bureaus.

Unlike similar offerings in the market, companies that license the GDS attributes are provided with a complete set of documentation that provides the logic related to the calculation of each attribute at each credit bureau. Some applications for the use of these attributes include custom model development, decision trees, policy rules, segmentations and champion/challenger strategies.

Leveraging the proven experience of the GDS staff working with each of the national credit attributes that reduces the learning curve often required to understand the data nuances across the three credit repositories.

Leveraging the power of GDS Link’s DataView360* end users can be trained to easily create new attributes based on the predefined and preprogrammed set delivered under the standard Use License. Our retrospective analysis and simulation tools allow end users to perform ‘what if’ against archived data.

Credit Bureau Attributes

cover Inquiries, Tradelines, Public Records and Collection Items. At a high level Attributes are segmented by Industry, Time Frames, and Delinquency Levels including Satisfactory, Minor and Major Derog.

Prior to the generation of the attributes the system applies a set of Exclusionary and De-duplicate logic. Additionally, logic to generate a monthly payment amount at the tradeline level is utilized when there is no payment returned on open/active accounts.

Since end users are provided with the programming logic associated with the GDS Attributes modifications can be made based on the experiences of your risk management team.

With extensive domain experience in numerous industries, GDS Link can effectively diagnose the status and effectiveness of your models, ensuring they are fine-tuned, compliant and meet the goals of your business.

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