Extensive Data Sources, Unmatched Insights

Our Data Library is a gateway to over 200 additional data sources, continually evolving to provide you with comprehensive access to third-party data. With Modellica Analytics Pro, your organization can harness the full potential of extensive data resources to drive smarter decision-making and strategic advantage.

Benefits of Modellica Analytics Pro


Tap into the wisdom of our dedicated global team of former CROs, data scientists, and quantitative experts from diverse geographies and skillsets. GDS Link’s Advisory Team offers a unique blend of expertise and personalized consultative service.

Advisory Services

Benefit from our risk-specific expertise, boasting over 50 years of hands-on experience. Our team provides in-depth understanding of market risks and trends, guiding you through every challenge.

AI/ML Scoring & Predictive Models

Utilize AI and machine learning for scoring and predictive models, ensuring full control and transparency. No black box approach here; you own your models with the ability to make changes easily.

Automated Scores & Decisions

Leverage AI for increased automation in processes, leading to improved efficiencies and profitable growth. With Modellica Analytics Pro, experience a seamless blend of technology and expertise.

Why Modellica Analytics Pro

Credit Risk Management | GDS Link

Ongoing Model Monitoring

Benefit from consistent re-tuning by GDS Link, ensuring your models adapt to the latest market trends, providing powerful, custom, and compliant models to improve your risk strategy.

Credit Risk Management | GDS Link

Full Control and Transparency

With Modellica Analytics Pro, experience no black box approach. You own your models, with the ability to make changes easily, ensuring full transparency in every step.

Credit Risk Management | GDS Link

Risk-Free 90 Day Trial

Explore all the capabilities of Analytics, AI, and Machine Learning along with expert talent. Take your credit management and results to the highest level with our risk-free 90-day trial.

ModellicaPro In Action

Goeasy | GDS Link Partner


Growing the company’s loan portfolio meant that goeasy needed to save time and reduce the credit risks of their system design process.

After the goeasy team started utilizing the GDS Link PMML solution, they were able to accelerate and streamline their model deployments and increase their overall agility.

Demo Mockup Flow Chart | GDS Link

Put GDS Link to the Test

Stop leaving Data on the table and learn about how we can build the best model for your business.


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